Dual higher-level vocational training at Doherty Hungary Kft.

07 January 2017

Dual higher-level vocational training at Doherty Hungary Kft.


What is dual higher-level vocational training?

The engineering, information technology, agriculture, science or economics training area launched a form of education in master's degree programs requiring practical training course, and a training area for which a specialized curriculum, the practical training within the framework set by the Dual Training Council, a qualified entity is going on.

The students participating in dual training during the study period carried out with the "traditional" living working-class students in higher education institutions (the institutional phase). Subsequently, the company is involved in education and practice stage. Possible further fulfillment of corporate practice time available to the students 'free' time during the semester, the curriculum and the institutional presence should not be compromised.

Dual training advantages:

  • The training takes place under strict quality control,
  • Participating educators strong theoretical and practical experience, the participation of company experts in higher education modules offered.
  • During practice time in the company-specific professional knowledge and practical work experience for students to acquire
  • Throughout the year, work done in this respect during the entire training period the student must be reimbursed, paid by the host company. Weekly rate of at least fifteen percent of the minimum wage (the minimum wage).
  • The dual training system is open; you can leave without any obligation to take into account the legal requirements for the student and the company, the termination of the employment contract.
  • institutions are not taught vocational skills
  • self / group work skills
  • advanced work for efficiency and effectiveness
  • proficiency in corporate work culture


The dual higher-level vocational training schedule:

Higher education institutions and companies participating in the dual training or institutional "shares" of the training tasks and training time: time spent by students in the dual practice as a host organization should not fall all the time of the institutional sections of at least 80%.

Content of the period spent in the company is made up of four components:

  • 1 / specific practical training at the enterprise
  • 2 / student involvement specific "operational" practical tasks
  • 3 / In order to create project-based work on the ability to work independently
  • 4 / "soft" skills and work culture to teach.

Why should the dual nature of training form you choose?

  • The best professionals you can learn the latest technical tricks.
  • Benefit from the company, the financial autonomy of immediate job opportunities.
  • Varied and intensive curriculum: seven-semester course.
  • Half a year after 12-13 weeks of theoretical training in the workplace, you gain practical knowledge.
  • Among the most successful belong to early in your studies!
  • The practice is transferable, skills based on theoretical knowledge certainly earn.
  • Excellent opportunities in the job market! According to international experience in the dual training students took 85% of the employment contract from the schoolroom.
  • Safely plannable career path.

What will you learn from us?

During the training, we will show you our products in our company during times of domestic mechanical engineering industry, in the automotive and shafts used in the power tool industry and rotating parts, these drawings and technical quality strategy.

The dual higher-level trainin at the Doherty:

In September 2016, three engineering students will be able to Doherty Hungary Kft., Within the framework of the dual training. The atmosphere is youthful. the familiar working environment, the company is developing dynamically, resulting in additional employment of students is our goal in the next academic year.

You can participate in training, if:

  • Mechanical engineer training program to

Mechanical Engineering: mechanical engineers their studies will be suitable for the production of machinery and mechanical equipment operation and maintenance, development and application engineering technologies, and technical development, research and design tasks, organization and management is the operating working employees are able to. The mechanical engineer working through the phases to follow a product or product design, manufacture, sale and operation of each step.

  • Selection process by Doherty Hungary Kft. successful tenders received for our review.
  • You can study with

the SZTE Faculty of Engineering or

Pallasz Athéné University


Application for admission

We are looking for a young person whom the machines, structural issues and other technical solutions are employed. In addition to the basic knowledge of science to engineering drawings advantage when making a good drawing skills as well.

How to apply

Please send your CV and photo, along with a covering letter to: (31.01.2017.)


Selection day

Planned selection day in the spring of 2017.

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