Erika Bagdiné Fodor is the new General Manager

08 October 2018

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Erika Bagdiné Fodor as the General Manager of Doherty Hungary Kft (DH).

Erika has been Operations Manager at DH for nearly one year so understands the strengths we have and the challenges we face to continue to improve our business and the service we provide our customers.

Erika Bagdiné Fodor



Erika graduated first as a Mechanical Engineer and then as an Economist at Miskolc University in Hungary. After graduation she launched her career in Sales and Marketing and has since worked in Logistics, Operations and General Management. During this time Erika has developed a strong sense of organisational improvement and building a team.

As well as her native Hungarian Erika speaks Russian and English. Erika is a married, mother of two children who are in full time education and she lives in Oroshaza with her family. Good luck Erika !

Jim Doherty


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