New EU Grant for Doherty Hungary KFT
11 April 2018
Beneficiary: DOHERTY HUNGARY Ipari és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság.
Project name: Purchase of new manufacturing machines: Új termelő eszközök beszerzése a Doherty Hungary Kft-nél.
Grant amount: 488.025.923 Ft
Grant intensity: 50%
Presentation of the project: As Doherty Hungary expands its manufacturing capacity the company will buy 10 state of the art Citizen turning machines and 4 high end SLR grinding machines. By expanding the manufacturing capacity the company will also improve significantly its competitiveness, efficiency and will enhance its technological capabilities.
Planed completion project completion date: 31.08. 2018.
Project ID number: GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-00018